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Ing mangsa panas, kain langsir kudu apik lan adhem


Ing mangsa panas sing panas, bakal saya cerah. Supaya kulawarga nglumpukake musim panas ing ruangan sing adhem lan nyaman, masarakat pengin milih langsir sing cocog kanggo musim panas. Banjur, cara milih materi sing bener lan cara Pencocokan warna kanthi wajar kanthi fungsi sing beda-beda wis dadi perhatian.
Ing mangsa panas, sampeyan kudu milihlangsir with natural and fresh colors. In addition to creating a bright and cool feeling at home, you can also fill the room with natural light. In the same room, it is best to chooselangsir of the same color and pattern to maintain the overall beauty. If you want to create a bright and modern home atmosphere, do not choose patterns printed with large flowers and small flowers, which can prevent clutter, choose patterns Simple, elegant and fresh langsirnggawe wong adhem lan kepenak.
Previously, some consumers believed that the natural primary colors were green. In fact, too much green can cause mental irritability and depression. Compared with the strong sunlight in summer,langsir can choose relatively simple shades such as ivory, beige, sky blue, lake green, and natural wood colors. Especially the use of natural wood or light blue in the study has a feeling of returning to nature. A calm mind will produce inspiration and wisdom, which is more conducive to work, study and thinking. In the living room, light greenlangsir and wood-colored furniture can make the living room return to nature.

Pilih kain langsir sing pas

Yen sampeyan pengin entuk ambegan sing luwih apik, sampeyan bisa milih kain sing lancip, kayata sutra lan ramilangsir, sing misuwur banget ing taun iki. Nalika nglindhungi privasi, sampeyan bisa ndeleng pemandangan ing njaba jendela. Sanalika, konsep perlindungan ijo lan lingkungan wis bosok ing atiné masarakat. Contone, katun organik, sutra lan kain liyane ora mung ramah lingkungan, nanging uga nggawe masarakat rumangsa cedhak karo alam.

Take proper care oflangsir
Werna cahya lan tekstur tipis bisa nggawe perasaan sing adhem nalika musim panas, nanging panjaluk kanggo teduhan ruang tamu kanthi cahya sing kuat nalika musim panas ora bisa diabaikan. Amarga suryo srengenge sing dawa ing musim panas, sawetaralangsir are easy to discolor or age. Therefore, for rooms that need to be exposed to sunlight for a long time, some good quality shading cloths should be preferred, such as light, transparent and soft yarn or silklangsir.
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