Gorden duwe peran njaga privasi, nggunakake sumber cahya, lan tembok dekorasi sajrone urip ing omah. Tirai sing cocog bisa cocog banget karo papan mebel, lan bisa nggawe lingkungan kulawarga luwih anget lan luwih anget. Mangkene sawetara cara kanggo tuku langsir kanggo kabeh wong.
Tip1 Ukuran jendhela kudu cocog
Tirai kudu nutupi jubin lantai supaya efek cahya sing apik banget. Dawa sandiworo kudu ditemtokake miturut rincian jendhela.
Jendhela kaca saka langit-langit lan jendhela sing dawa kudu nggunakake tirai lantai; kanggo jendhela gedhe, sampeyan kudu milih langsir sing luwih jembar tinimbang bukaan jendhela, sing bisa ngluwihi keseimbangan visual.
Tip2 Ing
langsirkudu dibangun karo jendhela
Vertical windows. For short and wide key windows, if it is not a deep terrace and radiating fins, then choosing a floor langsir is a good choice.
Bay window. The bay window of the stalwart can be composed of several independent langsirs to form the lower langsir, and the continuous langsir boxes are used to connect the langsirs into one. Smaller or curved bay windows can be used as a whole to develop decoration.
Tip3The langsir pattern is exquisite
The langsir pattern should be in harmony with the window size of the house, the age experience of permanent residence, and the style of home decoration and furniture. If the window is relatively short, try not to choose horizontal patterns or small floral patterns. Small windows prevent the selection of langsirs with large patterns.
Langsirmbandingake katon ing papan
Foyer: The most suitable window langsirs of warm colors are selected to enhance the passion and warm atmosphere.
Bedroom: You can choose refreshing dark green window langsirs to build an ecological, quiet, calm and secluded atmosphere.
Kamar Tidur: Sampeyan bisa milih warna sing seimbang kanggo ngasilake pengalaman visual sing lembut, nyaman lan tenang.
In a north-facing room with a dim light source, it is appropriate to choose a cooler shade of basic salt; and in a room with a good light source, the window langsir with a chestnut blue or yellowish-white hue can adjust the light to soft light to set off the house. The sense of hierarchy.
langsir fabrickudune penak
Kain sing terang, lancip, bening utawa transparan, kayata katun, kain campuran poliester, benang kaca, jaring alus, renda lan voile, lsp.